Sunday 10 November 2013


Each year in November, the United Kingdom remembers the men and women who died in the two World Wars and succeeding conflicts. 
11 November is known as Armistice Day, Remembrance Day or Poppy Day.
During the First World War, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of uninterrupted warfare. In many parts of the world, people observe a two-minute of silence at 11 am on 11 November. 
Remembrance Sunday is the second Sunday in November, the Sunday nearest to 11 November. On Remembrance Sunday there are special events, concerts and church services relating to remembrance. 
On Remembrance Sunday, there is a Cenotaph Parade in Whitehall. The Cenotaph ceremony is organised annually by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, with The Royal British Legion coordinating the March Past.

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