Saturday 12 August 2017


This is a romantic comedy about a nostalgic screenwriter who is on a trip to Paris with his fiancée's family and has experiences there that change his life. In fact, he finds himself puzzlingly going back to the 1920s every day at midnight. Here you can read The New York Times review of the movie.

This film is sort of a daydream for American lit majors. It opens with a couple on holiday in Paris with her parents. Gil and Inez are officially in love, but maybe what Gil really loves is Paris in the springtime. He's a hack screenwriter from Hollywood who still harbors the dream of someday writing a good novel and joining the pantheon of American writers whose ghosts seem to linger in the very air he breathes: Fitzgerald, Hemingway and the other legends of Paris in the 1920s.  Continue reading here.

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