Saturday 5 September 2015


A couple of weeks ago I went to Milan to visit Expo. I was so eager to see it! I spent two boiling hot days there, it was a rather tiring, but absolutely worthwhile and memorable experience! I had the incredible feeling to travel from country to country while visiting the various pavilions, all of them so different, surprisingly captivating and culturally inspiring. As a matter of fact, every pavilion offers a journey through the culture, perfumes, colours and traditions of its people.

The 2015 Universal Exposition opened its doors on 1st May and will end on 31 October. Its theme is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". Addressing the challenges of food security, access to nutrition, and sustainability, the 145 participating countries are having a chance to showcase their projects and culinary culture in custom-built pavilions. 
Click here to learn everything about the great Expo adventure.

Bono Vox, the Irish rock star and campaigner against Third World Debt will arrive at Expo tomorrow evening  in order to take part in a public event about world hunger.

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