Tuesday 9 February 2016


Born in London, England, on October 31, 1795, John Keats devoted his short life to the perfection of poetry marked by vivid imagery, great sensuous appeal and an attempt to express a philosophy through classical legend. In 1818 he went on a walking tour in the Lake District. His exposure and overexertion on that trip brought on the first symptoms of the tuberculosis which ended his life. Continue reading here.

Notes on La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John Keats

"La Belle Dame sans Merci," written in 1819 and published the next year, depicts a knight-at-arms who has been seduced and abandoned by a capricious fairy. Told in the form of a dialogue, the poem recounts the experience of loving dangerously and fully, of remaining loyal to that love despite warnings to the contrary, and of suffering the living death of one who has glimpsed immortality. At the beginning and end of the poem, the knight remains on "a cold hill's side," a world devoid of happiness or beauty, waiting for his love to return. Some readers maintain that the poem is really about Keats's feelings for Fanny Brawne, his fiancée, to whom Keats could not commit fully. Others claim the story is symbolic of the plight (= a condition of extreme hardship)  of the artist, who, having "fallen in love" with beauty, can never fully accept the mundane (= ordinary, temporal, wordly). Either way, the conclusion is the same: however self-destructive intense love may be, the lover has little choice in the matter. Besides, the more one entertains feelings of beauty and love, the more desolate and more painful the world becomes.


  1. Pasqua, you may have read this but I have just done so and I thought of you right away:



    Warm regards


  2. Thank you, Rosa! Such a beautiful article about our beloved Jane Austen!
    Kind regards ... and happy summer holidays!
