Sunday 16 December 2018


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Jane Austen was born on 16 December in Steventon, Hampshire, England. While not widely known in her own time, her novels of love among the landed gentry gained popularity after 1869, and her reputation skyrocketed in the 20th century. Her novels, including "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility", are considered literary classics, bridging the gap between romance and realism.
Here you can read about the Jane Austen Centre in Bath.

“Jane Austen is perhaps the best known and best loved of Bath’s many famous residents. She paid two long visits here towards the end of the eighteenth century and from 1801 to 1806 Bath was her home. Her intimate knowledge of the city is reflected in two of her novels, "Northanger Abbey" and "Persuasion", which are largely set in Bath.
The city remains much as Jane Austen knew it; the streets and buildings recalling the elegant, well-ordered world that she portrays so brilliantly in her novels. Now the pleasure of exploring Jane Austen’s Bath can be enhanced by visiting the Jane Austen Centre. Here, in a Georgian town house in the heart of the city, the visitor can find out more about the importance of Bath in Jane Austen’s life and work.” 
Maggie Lane

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