Wednesday 24 April 2019


At just 16 years old, Greta Thunberg has started an international youth movement against climate change.
The Swedish teenager first staged a "School Strike for Climate" in front of the Swedish Parliament in August last year. She continued to gain international attention after speaking at the U.N. Climate Talks in Poland last December.

Her strike has inspired students from around the world, leading tens of thousands of students from Germany, Japan, the UK, Australia and many more to join her #FridaysforFuture demonstrations. Read more here.
“Our house is falling apart, and our leaders need to start acting accordingly,” Greta Thunberg said during a meeting with politicians. 
"We are rapidly running out of time. And yet basically nothing is happening. Everyone and everything needs to change so why waste precious time arguing about what and who needs to change first,” she added. “Everyone and everything has to change but the bigger your platform, the bigger your responsibility. The bigger your carbon footprint, the bigger your moral duty.”

1 comment:

  1. From one English teacher to another, this is a really excellent introduction to Greta.
