Wednesday 20 January 2021


"Today is the day. After a disturbing era of chaos and division, we are entering the next chapter of American leadership with the inauguration of
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
. Right now, I’m feeling more than just relief at putting the past four years behind us. I’m feeling genuinely hopeful for what’s to come.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the kind of leaders our nation deserves—decent, hardworking people who reflect the best of our values. Most of all, they’re guided by empathy, honesty, and a willingness to put the needs of our country before their own. They’re determined to make life better for all Americans, and I know they will bring us back the stability that has been sorely lacking through what has been a devastating pandemic. Not to mention, we’ll have terrific examples of leadership in
Dr. Jill Biden
and Douglas Emhoff, as our new First Lady and Second Gentleman.
It’s no secret that the work ahead will be challenging. And no one person, even a president, is capable of waving a magic wand and fixing the problems that persist in this country. But this past year I’ve seen folks from all over America step up like never before, whether it was peacefully protesting against racial injustice, registering first-time voters, or simply making sure a neighbor could safely get their groceries. It feels like we might finally be getting some momentum. And with
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
in the White House, we can once again start thinking about building the future we want for ourselves and our children."
Michelle Obama

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