Saturday 6 March 2021


Victorian poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born at Coxhoe Hall, Durham, England, on 6 March 1806.

Among all female poets of the English-speaking world in the 19th century, none was held in higher critical esteem or was more admired for the independence and courage of her views than Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Emily Dickinson had ecstatically admired her as a poet and as a woman who had achieved such a rich fulfillment in her life. Her humanitarian  and liberal point of view manifests itself in her poems aimed at redressing many forms of social injustice, such as the slave trade in America, the labor of children in the mines and the mills of England, the oppression of the Italian people by the Austrians, and the restrictions forced upon women in 19th-century society. Read here.

"How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways," or "Sonnet 43" is one of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s most famous poems.  Read here

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