Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past  and  forward to the coming year. What  kind of New Year's Resolutions  will you make for yourself this January 1st?
Be realistic by setting achievable goals!  Winning the lottery, for example,  is out of your grasp!
Here are some New Year's resolutions to explore and possibly adopt as your own ...
1.Spend More Time with  Family  &  Friends!
2. Enjoy Life More  ... take time to read,  take up a new hobby,  try your  hand at skiing,  go to a theatre performance,  or start blogging!
3. Fit in Fitness  ... exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better!
4. Learn Something New  ...  perhaps you  want take a course,  to learn a new language, or just how to fix your computer!
5. Help Others   ...  volunteerism can take many forms,  there are many nonprofit volunteer organizations that could really  use your help.
6. Keep a notepad of awesome moments!

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