Tuesday, 31 March 2020



We can express the future with BE GOING TO + infinitive. 

Here are some examples to make sure this is clear:
  • I’m going to see a play tonight. 
  • It's late so I don't think he's going to do his work tonight.
  • Look at those clouds. It's going to rain soon.
  • My favourite team is going to play tomorrow evening.
To form questions, we invert the subject (e.g, I, you) and "is/am/are." If we use a wh- question word, we insert it at the beginning of the sentence:
  • Who is going to read the next paragraph?
  • Are you going to speak at the conference?
  • What is she going to cook for dinner?
  • Are they going to sleep all day?
  • Where is your brother going to sleep when he visits you?

The structure BE GOING TO is normally used to indicate the future but with some type of connection to the present. 
We use it in the following situations:
1. When we intend / plan to do something in the future. 
The decision has been made before the moment of speaking.
  • They're going to retire to the beach - in fact they have already bought a little beach house.
  • I'm going to accept the job offer.
  • Next week I'm going to start a new diet.
  • Are you going to come to my party tomorrow?
2. When there are definite signs that something is going to happen. 
Something is likely to happen based on the evidence or experience you have.
  • I think it is going to rain - I just felt a drop!
  • I don't feel well! I think I'm going to throw up  (= vomit).
  • I got a D on my exam. My parents are going to kill me!
3. When something is about to happen:
  • Get back! The bomb is going to explode.
  • Look out! That car is going to overtake.

Friday, 20 March 2020


Risultato immagini per peaceful cottage in ireland

And people stayed home
and read books and listened
and rested and exercised
and made art and played
and learned new ways of being
and stopped
and listened deeper
someone meditated
someone prayed
someone danced
someone met their shadow
and people began to think differently
and people healed
and in the absence of people who lived in ignorant ways,
dangerous, meaningless and heartless,
even the earth began to heal
and when the danger ended
and people found each other
grieved for the dead people
and they made new choices
and dreamed of new visions
and created new ways of life
and healed the earth completely
just as they were healed themselves.

Read here

Sunday, 8 March 2020


Let’s take a look back at the achievements of some women who have well and truly left their mark on history through amazing things that they have done. Read here.

Friday, 6 March 2020


Risultato immagini per the canterville ghost

The Otis family from the USA have decided to move to England, to Canterville Chase. They soon discover that the house is haunted by the ghost of Sir Simon. A mix of mystery and irony, The Canterville Ghost is one of the Oscar Wilde classics, most loved by children.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020


Risultato immagini per as you like it

As You Like It is a light-hearted comedy which appeals to the readers at all stages and all in lighter moods. It pleases some by its idyllic romance, others by its optimistic philosophy of simple goodness, and yet others by its cynical ironies. Indeed you can take this as you like it.”  Read here.

Follow the heroine, Rosalind, as she and her cousin, Celia, run away from the court of her usurping uncle in search of love and happiness in the Forest of Arden. In order to escape notice, Rosalind dresses like a boy, only to discover her true love, Orlando, has also fled into the Forest. In this mixed-up world, anything can happen—and in the end, love does indeed conquer all. Read here and here.

Sunday, 1 March 2020


Risultato immagini per cherries blossom

Dear March  -  Come in  -
How glad I am  -
Read here.